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When are the buses leaving?Our buses will depart from the parking lot in front of Dillard's at 11:45 PM on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. Please see our bus itinerary below. Note that all times — excluding our initial departure — are approximations and are subject to change.
Will any chaperones be traveling with the team?Yes. Three parent chaperones will be joining us on this trip: Mr. and Mrs. Lopez-Roque (parents of Mock Trial participant Mathew Lopez-Roque) and Ms. Rodriguez (mother of Mock Trial participant Daniela Rodriguez). In addition, our Co-Project Administrator Jorge Lee, Assistant Project Administrators Alejandra Montelongo and Sofi Homes, and alumni volunteer Juan Jose Vivanco will be traveling with the team.
What should students pack?Please reference NHI's Official Program Checklist (below) for a list of items that students are asked to bring with them.
Where will students be sleeping and with whom?All members of our region — students and staff alike — will be staying at the dorms at Austin College. All female students will be assigned a female roommate from our region, all male students will be assigned a male roommate from our region, and females and males will be assigned to different buildings. Students will almost always be assigned a member of their same category.
How much money should I give my child?At minimum, parents should provide their child/children with $20 in cash for the key deposit and enough money for them to purchase breakfast on the trip to Sherman and lunch on the way back. Additional (and optional) items that students may choose to purchase include: snacks at our stop at Buc-ee's on the way to Sherman, snacks from the mini-mart at the university, food delivery while at the university, and NHI merch that will be sold at the program.
At what time will everyone return to Brownsville?Our buses will return to Brownsville late in the evening of June 9, possible even into the early hours of June 10. We will be in communication with parents and provide a more exact ETA that day. Please see our bus itinerary below. Note that all times — excluding our initial departure — are approximations and are subject to change.
Where can I find more information about the program?NHI's Briefing Book (attached below) contains additional information. However, if you have a concern that remains unaddressed or a question that remains unanswered, please contact our Co-Project Administrator Jorge Lee (
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